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Kahu Pūtoi is a network of Māori-medium kaiako and teachers of te reo Māori in early childhood settings, and school/kura settings. It is a space where kaiako can talk, share, and collaborate across kura, and where they can get timely support from each other.
Ko te ‘Kahu’ i tēnei horopaki, ko te momo 'Kahu' kua rākeitia hei kahu waiwaiā, hei kahu tāniko rānei, arā, he kahu ātaahua. Ko te take i pērā ai, anā, mō te tangata he nui tonu tōna mana, kāore mō te tangata noa iho, me whai mana te tangata e taea ai te mau tēnei momo kahu.
The term ‘cloak’ referred to in this instance is one of great beauty, adorned, embroidered, and woven with much care and skill. This type of cloak is only worn by those with prestige, knowledge, and influence, as was worn by chiefs and leaders.
Ka āpitihia te kupu ‘Pūtoi’, tērā anō te tikanga he huinga kahu nō tētehi rōpū tāngata he nui tonu te mana kei a rātou. Kua huihuia mai ngā kahu rangatira, ngā kahu ariki rānei, nō reira whakahuatia ai te ingoa he ‘Kahu Pūtoi’ – he huinga rangatira, he huinga ariki rānei te tikanga – nā Mohi Apou (Ngā Rauru).
The word ‘Pūtoi’ has been used to indicate a collection of ‘kahu’ belonging to a group of people of prestige. When a group of leaders and chiefs gather then the combined term Kahu Pūtoi refers to not only the prestige of the individual but moreover the influence of the collective, described and given to be used by Mohi Apou (Ngā Rauru).
Kia whakauru mai ngā ringa ngaio e mahi ana i roto i ngā wāhi ako i te reo Māori, mā te reo Māori rānei, ahakoa te taumata ako. He wāhi whakawhiti i te kōrero, i te whakaaro, i te mātauranga. Ko te tāutuutu te kawa. Nō reira, koha atu, koha mai.
An online support space for professionals that work within Māori-medium and Māori language education settings to share ideas, skills, and knowledge in support of each other. It is a place of contribution and sharing.
Mā te pātene ‘Register’ i runga nei e rēhita ai koe. Mēnā ka mana tō tōno, ka tukuna ki a koe tētahi īmēra e tono ana i a koe ki te tuhi i tō kupu muna.
Click on the ‘Register’ button in the header to register. When your registration has been approved, you will receive an email prompting you to create your password.
Mā ngā kaiako, mā ngā kaiāwhina/kaiārahi reo, mā ngā pouako me ngā tumuaki e whakaako ana i ngā wāhanga ako katoa, ki ngā taumata katoa i te reo, mā te reo Māori rānei. He wāhi whakawhitiwhiti i ngā whakaaro, i ngā kōrero, i ngā pūkenga me ngā rauemi. Nō reira, ko te kawa o te Kahu Pūtoi me ōna hapori, ko te tāutuutu, arā, "koha atu, koha mai".
Please be aware that this online space is for those that work within Māori-medium or those who deliver in te reo Māori. The concept for Kahu Pūtoi is one of sharing, so members should be willing to contribute to the communities they join.
Ko Circle te pūmanawa tautono o Kahu Pūtoi. Mā tēnei pae e whai wāhi atu ai koe ki ō hoa me ā rātou kōrero. I kōwhiria ai tēnei pūmanawa tautono nā ōna āheinga hangarau me te māmā o te whakamahia.
Circle is the platform that hosts Kahu Pūtoi. It allows you to interact, share content, collaborate, and engage with other like-minded kaiako. This platform was chosen for Kahu Pūtoi because of its functionality and the ease of use for members.